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Michelle Provoost wins Rotterdam Maaskant Award
The Independent School for the City and Crimson Historians & Urbanists are ecstatically happy but not at all surprised that our Founding partner Michelle Provoost is this year's laureate of the biannual Rotterdam Maaskant Award. Every other year the prestigious award is given to a person or an organisation that has distinguished itself in the fields of architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture through journalism, teaching, and/or research activities.
26 March 2021
Annuska Pronkhorst in gesprek met Robert Winkel in ON AIR
“Met expert Annuska Pronkhorst gaat Robert Winkel dieper in gesprek over het thema context & historische gelaagdheid. Als Architectuur historica en partner bij Crimson Historians and Urbanists pleit zij voor een respectvolle omgang met de gebouwde omgeving waarbij vanaf het begin van het proces gekeken moet worden naar de essentiële waarden en kwaliteiten van een gebouw (ensemble) of gebied. Dit intermezzo volgt uit het ON AIR college van Robert Winkel, oprichter van Mei architects and planners én dubbele winnaar van de Rotterdam Architectuurprijs 2019, over het ontwerpen aan de gezonde stad, waar zowel de community als de gezondheid van samenleving én natuur centraal staan. Dit doet hij aan de hand van projecten als het bekroonde Fenix I en het nieuwe SAWA. ”
16 July 2020
The Ghazze Experience
In the course of 2018, Mike Emmerik worked together with Floris Alkemade, Bart Erens and VNG international, on the revitalization of a public park in Ghazza. This small town in the Lebanese Bekaa valley with around 7,000 inhabitants, has experienced the influx of over 22,000 Syrian refugees. Half of them have found residence in the existing urban fabric and often live in the unoccupied houses that belong to the Lebanese Diaspora, while the others live in informal tented settlements scattered in the surroundings of the village. This rapid increase in population presented the city of Ghazzé - just like many other cities in Jordan and Lebanon - with major planning and public services challenges. Emergency relief provides essentials like food and water. But more is needed, such as basic public services, sewage or waste management.
19 December 2019
Hofbogen Citizen Cooperative
Last week, November 10th 2017, at the Stadmakerscongres in Rotterdam, a newly founded cooperative of local residents and entrepreneurs announced its bid to buy the entire Hofplein viaduct. The development strategy turns the 2km-long viaduct into an elevated green public space. These developments as well as the project’s history are discussed by Simone Rots (Crimson partner and former director of the Hofbogen BV) and Piet Vollaard (co-founder of Stichting de Natuurlijke Stad) in this short video produced by Open Rotterdam.
17 November 2017
Michelle Provoost participating in Dezeen's 'Good Design for a Bad World talk' at the Dutch Design Week
Design's role in the ongoing refugee crisis is the focus of this 'Good Design for a Bad World' talk, which is the second in a five-part series that were streamed live from Dutch Design Week. Dezeen founder Marcus Fairs hosts the discussion, which questions how design, architecture and urbanism could make life easier for refugees and host communities. The speakers (from left) are humanitarian expert Kilian Kleinschmidt, architecture historian Michelle Provoost and critic Rene Boer. You can watch the video here.
2 November 2017
Michelle Provoost levert bijdrage aan documentaire 'de Pier'
Tijdens het Architecture Film Festival 2017 werd de nieuwe film de Pier van Jeroen Visser vertoond, een documentaire over de alom bekende Pier van Scheveningen ontworpen door architect Hugh Maaskant. Michelle Provoost leverde een bijdrage aan de documentaire.
23 October 2017
Studio de Stad: Smart Cities
"Zijn smart cities de toekomst? In groeilanden rijzen heel wat nieuwe hypermoderne steden uit de grond, maar in Europa heeft de trend zich nog niet doorgetrokken. Geert Bourgeois (Vlaams Minister-President), Joachim Declerck (expert stadsontwikkeling voor ArchitectWorkroom), Gaetan Hannecart (CEO Matexi) en Michelle Provoost (International New Town Institute) hebben zo hun bedenkingen bij deze evolutie van private 'connected' steden."
29 October 2014
The Architectural Review: British Pavilion Curators Interview: Crimson Architectural Historians
Long interview with Michelle Provoost and Wouter Vanstiphout on A Clockwork Jerusalem. On twenty years of Crimson Architectural Historians, the International New Town Institute, Design As Politics and Architectural History in general with a great closing tune by the Brythoniaid Male Voice Choir singing 'Blue Monday'.
25 June 2014
We Want To Break Free - Architecture and Urbanism After the Nation State
On monday 24 February, Design as Politics’ professor Wouter Vanstiphout gave his third lecture for students following the Urbanism Masters track. After discussing Money in the first quarter, and Democracy during the second, he now confronted the students with the topic of decentralization. Starting from the basic principles of the nation state and the rise and fall of Dutch planning, he discussed the idea of a federal Europe, the concept of charter cities and even autarkic, anarchist and Tolstoyan communities.
24 February 2014
News item on Hugh Maaskant for Dutch Radio and TV station Rijnmond, including video with original Maaskant footage, interview with Michelle Provoost, Nathalie de Vries (MVRDV) and Willem Jan Neutelings (Neutelings Riedijk Architects).
25 November 2013
Henry Moore: Wall Relief No.1
Henry Moore's Wall Relief No.1, near Rotterdam Central Station, is a unique piece in the artist's career: it is his only work in brick. The wall sculpture is temporarily removed because a new building is erected on the spot. Architecture historian Wouter Vanstiphout talks about the history and future of the piece.
22 November 2013
We The People – Design, Democracy and the City
On monday 18 November, Wouter Vanstiphout gave the second lecture in a series of three for students at Delft University of Technology. After the Money lecture last September, we will now take you on a journey along architecture projects in order to explore their democratic value. From large iconic projects as a representation of democracy, like the Houses of Parliament in London, or the National Mall in Washington DC to small-scale, “big society-like” participation projects as the stadsinitiatief. Obviously we will also take the ‘bumpy road’ whereas not every project is received as positively by the public; leading to large protests, sometimes even causing riots, and –if lucky– a political referendum. And what about the freedom to protest in (privatized) public space? Will we find common ground and in that way, make design socially significant and politically relevant again?
18 November 2013
Follow the Money
September 23, Wouter Vanstiphout gave a lecture at the TU Delft architecture faculty as part of the master education in urbanism. The lecture was titled ‘Follow the Money,’ and was focused on the complex correlation between economy and architecture or urban planning. Wouter started his lecture with an explanation of the current financial crisis and its effects on architecture. From foreclosures in Las Vegas, through ghost towns in Spain and China, to the risky politics of ground development in the Netherlands, he ended his lecture with a more positive note by describing various projects in which architects take an active role in financing ‘their’ projects.
23 September 2013
Strelka Talks. "From Welfare City to Neoliberal Utopia" by Michelle Provoost
«From Welfare City to Neoliberal Utopia» is a talk by Michelle Provoost on evolution of utopian models for creating new cities. The speakers follows the shift from welfare state ideal focusing on social housing and public spaces to neoliberal utopia of privatized cities and its implication to citizens of the new towns.

22 April 2013
Strelka Talks. "Damn the Masters' Plan!" by Wouter Vanstiphout
Damn the Masters’ Plan! is a talk by Wouter Vanstiphout on the street protest movements from Detroit in the 1960s to Paris in 2005 to London in 2011. The speaker analyses the complex correlation between certain types of urban development and the deeply rooted discontent of the citizens.

22 April 2013
Film Job Dura Prijs 2012
In opdracht van het Job Dura Fonds maakte Mamascreen een introductiefilm van alle genomineerde projecten. Hier vindt u het fragment van de Hofbogen, waarin Simone Rots en Annuska Pronkhorst (Crimson Architectural Historians) worden geinterviewd over het project.
17 January 2013
The Banality of Good
In October 2012, Wouter Vanstiphout traveled to Czech Republic to give a lecture at Brno University, as part of the lecture series ‘Contesting Space / Architecture as a Social Practice’ about architecture and city-making as an inherently political issue and architecture as a social practice. Wouter talked about New Towns and about Riots under the title ‘The Banality of Good.‘
1 October 2012